Breton Ridge Restoration: Bayou LaLoutre

These two projects would restore historic ridges which provide critical habitat for migratory birds and wildlife in Breton Sound where wetlands are rapidly disappearing. Both projects are located east of the Mississippi River in the Breton-Chandeleur Basin. The Bayou Terre aux Boeufs ridge stretches from the community of Delacroix to Black Bay and the Bayou la Loutre Ridge extends from the community of Yscloskey into the southeastern Biloxi marshes. Restoration of these ridges will raise the ridge height, providing coastal upland habitat, increasing storm surge protection for nearby communities and helping restore the natural flow of water in the basin. Status: Conceptual

Fish and Waterfowl Benefits

Rising sea levels, subsidence and storms have eroded the ridges in Breton Sound. Restoration of these ridges will help maintain the health, stability and function of the existing Breton Sound wetlands. These wetlands provide nursery and foraging habitat to a variety of fish and waterfowl and other wildlife.