• Cast and Blast Florida

    Hunting and Ecology with David Mizejewski

    VP Sporting Council member, and professional hunting and fishing guide, Travis Thompson interviewed NWF Naturalist David Mizejewski on the “Cast and Blast Florida” podcast. The conversation should interest anyone who cares about wildlife. David does not hunt and has no interest in ever hunting, but his perspective on hunting provides great insight for those of us who hunt AND those who don’t. This podcast is one hunters and anglers should share with their friends, including those who don’t participate in our sports.

  • End of Line Podcast

    Vanishing Paradise and the Early Days of Avery with Bill Cooksey

    Bill Cooksey, Vanishing Paradise Sportsmen Coordinator, joins End of Line to discuss Vanishing Paradise and the effects on duck hunting as the Louisiana’s coast disappears. They also reminisce on Bill’s early days at Avery. LISTEN >

  • Delta Dispatches

    Mythbusters – The Facts About Sediment Diversions

    National Wildlife Federation’s Coastal Scientist, Alisha Renfro, sat down with our friends at Restore the Mississippi River Delta Coalition to talk about sediment diversions and debunk some of the myths surrounding this type of restoration project. LISTEN >

  • Conservation County

    Asian Carp and Vanishing Paradise with Bill Cooksey

    Bill Cooksey spends time with Conservation County to chat about the work we’re doing at Vanishing Paradise. Bill also shares stories on the  Asian carp problem on Kentucky Lake where he owns a home. LISTEN > 

  • LAFishBlog

    Getting the Word Out with Erin Brown from Vanishing Paradise

    Erin Brown, Sportsmen Coordinator for Vanishing Paradise, joined Devin at LAFishBlog to talk in-depth about her love for fishing in Louisiana and the need to restore Louisiana’s coast. LISTEN >