
Vanishing Paradise State Legislators Tour 2019

The Louisiana Delegation of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation met with Vanishing Paradise, Audubon Louisiana and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership for a tour of the Mississippi River Delta and to discuss coastal restoration.

2019 Cook-Off for the Coast

True to St. Bernard’s heritage of amazing food and caring people, crowds dug in at the second annual Cook-off for the Coast at the Meraux Foundation’s Docville Farm on February 9, 2019.

Protect the Coast. Protect Their Future.

Factors Leading to Land Loss – Part 1 (SportingDog Adventures)

Conservation Corner, Season 4, Ep. 8 – Many factors have led to the collapse of the Mississippi River Delta (part 1).

Conservation Corner with Andy McDaniels is a special feature on SportingDog Adventures that focuses on issues affecting Sportsman’s Paradise.

Vanishing Paradise Short Film

Three Louisiana sportsmen, Warren Coco, Ryan Shaefer and Captain Ryan Lambert, share their vision to restore a vanishing paradise in this short film produced by Latendresse Media Collective.

Success Stories (SportingDog Adventures)

Conservation Corner, Season 4, Ep. 12 – Right now, a few key areas along the coast are doing just that – using sediment to build land.

Conservation Corner with Andy McDaniels is a special feature on SportingDog Adventures that focuses on issues affecting Sportsman’s Paradise.

Truly Sportman’s Paradise (SportingDog Adventures)

Conservation Corner, Season 5, Ep. 5 – The Mississippi River Delta’s marshes and fertile waters for fishing.

Conservation Corner with Andy McDaniels is a special feature on SportingDog Adventures that focuses on issues affecting Sportsman’s Paradise.

Importance of the Mississippi River Delta (SportingDog Adventures)

Conservation Corner, Season 5, Ep. 4 – Coastal Louisiana is the wintering grounds for 70% of the ducks and geese that use the Central & Mississippi flyways.

Conservation Corner with Andy McDaniels is a special feature on SportingDog Adventures that focuses on issues affecting Sportsman’s Paradise.

Preserving Gulf Coast Wetlands (SportingDog Adventures)

Conservation Corner, Season 5, Ep. 3 – Teal, canvasback and gadwalls winter on the Gulf Coast, but this habitat is disappearing at alarming rate.

Conservation Corner with Andy McDaniels is a special feature on SportingDog Adventures that focuses on issues affecting Sportsman’s Paradise.

Losing Wetlands in the Delta (SportingDog Adventures)

Conservation Corner, Season 5, Ep. 2 – Loss of wetlands in the Mississippi River Delta is a loss to waterfowl hunters across the country.

Conservation Corner with Andy McDaniels is a special feature on SportingDog Adventures that focuses on issues affecting Sportsman’s Paradise.

Showing 11 - 20 of 55 results