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Smoked Redfish Dip
This delicious recipe was provided by Capt. Ryan Lambert, president of Cajun Fishing Adventures and member of Vanishing Paradise’s Sporting Council. Continue reading
Tagged fishing, guide, Louisiana, recipe, Ryan LambertWarren Coco’s Smoked Duck and Strawberry Salad recipe
Try these delicious recipes from Warren Coco and his sister, Arlene. Warren Coco is the owner and founder of GO-DEVIL Manufacturing in Louisiana as well as a member of Vanishing Paradise’s Sporting Council. WARREN COCO’S SMOKED DUCK – Whole plucked … Continue reading
Tagged recipeFrom Camouflage to Cuisine:Blue-Winged Teal
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries recently released information on how Louisiana’s ongoing drought is affecting wildlife – including migratory waterfowl. Continue reading
Tagged hunting, Louisiana, recipe, tv show