Lifelong Resident, Albertine Kimble, Discusses Sediment Diversions

"If you want to have a coastal Louisiana, we need to reconnect that river to the swamp, to the estuary, to the marsh..."

One of the most significant factors leading to the near collapse of the Mississippi River Delta ecosystem is the straitjacketing of the lower river with huge levees. The levees cut off the river’s land-building connection to the wetlands. Sediment diversions are a restoration tool designed to mimic the river’s natural processes and strategically allow sediment from the river to build and sustain new, healthy wetlands. 

The proposed Mid-Breton Sediment Diversion located near White Ditch, Louisiana, will help restore and maintain the full range of salinities in the estuary from fresh water habitat in the upper basin to salt water closer to the Gulf. 

Listen to a local's perspective on the project:

Albertine Kimble of Plaquemines Parish.